Wholesale JGS type roller screen factory and suppliers | Jinte
TEL: +86 15737355722

JGS type roller screen

  • FOB Prezz: Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana liberament
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  • Time Twassil: Kif meħtieġ
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: T / T, L / C, D / P, D / A, eċċ.
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    Ball Screening Machine


    JGS roller Screen is a kind of wet ball screening equipment, specially designed for controlling pelletizing and discharging particle size. The screen machine main functions are reflected in the following two aspects:

    (1) iskrin l-blalen aħdar li ma jissodisfawx ir-rekwiżiti tad-daqs proċess ta 'produzzjoni;

    (2) further strengthen the strength of the green ball. The screen has the characteristics of non-bending roll, long service time, smooth and even spherical roll.

    L-iskrin romblu huwa magħmul minn mezz tas-sewqan, korp romblu u appoġġ aġġustament. Kull romblu drives indipendentement u jistgħu jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tal-aġġustament mikro ħjata roll.

    Karatteristiċi & Vantaġġi

    The gap of each roll can be adjusted arbitrarily

    The traditional roller screen transmission mode adopts gear transmission. When used for a period of time, the spacing between the screen rollers become larger, the rollers cannot be adjusted, a lot of qualified ball leak, which resulting in low efficiency of the roller screen.

    Domestic pelletizing plants (sintering plants) often change part of the roller diameter slightly larger to adjust, so as to increase the cost, and increase the workload of repair.

    JGS roller screen adopts the mode of single roller and single motor drive, which can adjust the gap of each roller arbitrarily, and is not affected by the large cumulative adjustment amount caused by the number of rollers, so that the screen roller can be used to the maximum extent.

    Multi-stage material screening can be carried out

    Skond il-ħtiġijiet differenti tal-produzzjoni, l-apparat jista 'jintuża għall differenti iscreening qies tal-frak biex jiżguraw id-daqs uniformi u kwalifikati qamħ.

    Easy adjustment and linkage of screen rollers.

    Kull romblu wieħed jadotta waħda drive, drive u roller għarbiel appoġġ biex taġġusta synchronously. Il-kombinazzjoni ta 'mod stretta għal lock, l-użu u l-aġġustament huwa aktar konvenjenti. kontroll elettriku jinfetaħ u waqaf minn punt wieħed, li huwa konvenjenti għall-operazzjoni ta 'wara.

    The screen roller is made of composite processing, which has the advantages of high strength, good elasticity and good abrasion resistance.

    Parametri Tekniċi:



    Mudell speċifikazzjoni


    Parametru Prestazzjoni teknika


    42 f'rombli

    iskrin roller

    JGS-φ102 * 1200



    Roller specification: φ102x1200 (mm)
    Screening tul effettiv: 4824mm
    Numru ta 'rombli: 42 33 lakuni iskrin: 6mm
    9 lakuni iskrin 18mm
    Veloċità: 126r / min
    pin ċiklojdali bil-gear Mudell: BWY0-11-0.75
    Power: 0.75Kw
    Vultaġġ: 380V
    Veloċità: 1390r / min
    proporzjon Veloċità: 11
    mod ta 'trasmissjoni: romblu wieħed bil-mutur wieħed sewqan
    angolu iskrin: 10 °

    Factory & Team

    Henan Jinte vibrazzjoni Machinery Co, Ltd
    Henan Jinte vibrazzjoni Machinery Co, Ltd
    Henan Jinte vibrazzjoni Machinery Co, Ltd
    Henan Jinte vibrazzjoni Machinery Co, Ltd



  • Preċedenti:
  • Li jmiss:

  • √  Peress fabbrika tagħna jappartjeni għall-industrija tal-makkinarju, it-tagħmir jeħtieġ li tkun allinjata mal-proċess.

    Id-daqs, il-mudell u l-ispeċifikazzjonijiet tal-prodott jista 'jiġi addattat skond il-ħtiġijiet tal-klijenti.

    √  Il-prodotti kollha f'din il-maħżen huma għall-kwotazzjonijiet virtwali u huma għal referenza biss.

    Il-kwotazzjoni attwali huwa soġġett għall-parametri tekniċi u r-rekwiżiti speċjali mogħtija mill-klijent.

    √  Ipprovdi tpinġija prodott, proċess ta 'manifattura u servizzi tekniċi oħrajn.

    1. Can you offer the customized solution to my case?

    Our company has a professional R & D team, and be able to customize mechanical products for you according to your needs. At the same time, our company guarantees that every product produced for you is in compliance with the national and industry standard, and no quality problems.

    Jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna inkjesta jekk ikollhom xi tħassib.

    2. Huwa l-magna prodotta sikur u affidabbli?

    Absolutely yes. We are a company specializing in the production of machinery. We have advanced technology, excellent R & D team, superb process design and other advantages. Please believe that we can fully meet your expectations. The machines produced are in line with national and industry quality standards. Please feel free to use.

    3. X'inhu l-prezz tal-prodott?

    Il-prezz huwa ddeterminat mill-ispeċifikazzjonijiet tal-prodott, il-materjal, u l-ħtiġiet speċjali tal-klijent.

    Metodu Kwotazzjoni: EXW, FOB, CIF, eċċ.

    Metodu ta 'ħlas: T / T, L / C, eċċ.

    Our company is committed to selling high quality products that meet your requirements at an acceptable price.

    4. Għaliex għandi kummerċ mal-kumpanija tiegħek?

    1. Prezz raġonevoli u abbilità exquisite.

    2. customisation Professjonali, ir-reputazzjoni tajba.

    3. carefree wara l-bejgħ.

    4. Ipprovdi tpinġija prodott, proċess ta 'manifattura u servizzi tekniċi oħrajn.

    5. Case experience of working with many outstanding domestic and foreign companies over the years.

    Irrispettivament ta 'jekk ftehim jiġi milħuq jew le, aħna nilqgħu ittra tiegħek. Jitgħallmu minn xulxin u jagħmlu progress flimkien. Forsi nistgħu nkunu ħbieb tal-naħa l-oħra. :-)

    5. Are you engineers available for overseas installation and training matters?

    At the client’s request, Jinte can provide installation Technicians to supervise and assist in the assembly and commissioning of the equipment. And all the costs during the mission needs to be covered from you.


    TEL: +86 18037396988

    E-mail: jintejixie@yeah.net

  • Ikteb messaġġ tiegħek hawn u jibagħtu lill magħna