Wholesale MFS Type Pulverized Coal Vibrating Screen factory and suppliers | Jinte
TEL: +86 15737355722

MFS Type Pulverized Coal Vibrating Screen

  • FOB Harga: Mangga wartosan kami kalawan bébas
  • Min.Order kuantitas: 1 Piece / Potongan
  • Pangiriman Time: Salaku diperlukeun
  • Sarat pembayaran: T / T, L / C, D / P, D / A, ect.
  • Design: Customized for you
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    High Efficiency Vibrating Screen



    MFS pulverized coal vibrating screen is an alternative to the traditional pulverized coal screening machine. It is installed between the dust collector and the pulverized coal bin to remove the woven fibers, wood chips and other light sundry matter inside the pulverized coal, so that the quality of pulverized coal used for spraying meets the requirements of safe spraying and donot block the spray gun. The coal scraper is driven by the motor to rotate, so wood chips and other light debris evenly scattered on the screen, easy to clean when the machine stops.


    Fitur & Kaunggulan

    compared with similar screen equipment, the sieve screen has the advantages of novel design, compact structure, low noise, smooth operation, safe and reliable

    unique ratchet coupling design, convenient maintenance

    the addition of scraping board, which prevent the accumulation of pulverized coal and is conducive to the smooth discharge of pulverized coal

    stainless steel screen mesh, long service life. The screen is easy to remove and replace

    Parameter teknis:







    Tabung Surface spésifikasi


    500 * 1400

    700 * 2000

    900 * 2400

    1400 * 3000

    Layar Surface inclination






    Ukuran tabung pressure


    2 * 2

    4 * 4

    5 * 5

    3 * 3







    processing Kamampuh

    (T / h)





    Geter Motor










    2 * 0.75

    2 * 1.5

    2 * 2.2

    2 * 3.0


    Speed ​​puteran

    (R / mnt)





    Dimensi éksternal

    Panjang * Width * Jangkungna

    1535 * 1232 * 1229

    2202 * 1802 * 1229

    4019 * 2320 * 1895

    3300 * 2200 * 1395


    Factory & Team

    Henan Jinte Geter mesin Co., Ltd
    Henan Jinte Geter mesin Co., Ltd
    Henan Jinte Geter mesin Co., Ltd
    Henan Jinte Geter mesin Co., Ltd



  • Saméméhna:
  • Hareup:

  • √  Kusabab pabrik urang milik industri mesin, alat-alat nu perlu loyog jeung prosés.

    Ukuran, modél sarta spésifikasi produk bisa ngaropéa nurutkeun pangabutuh customer.

    √  Sadaya produk di toko ieu téh pikeun tanda petik maya jeung anu keur rujukan wungkul.

    The petik sabenerna mangrupakeun subjék kana parameter teknis na syarat husus dirumuskeun ku nasabah.

    √  Nyadiakeun gambar produk, prosés manufaktur sarta jasa teknis lianna.

    1. Can you offer the customized solution to my case?

    Our company has a professional R & D team, and be able to customize mechanical products for you according to your needs. At the same time, our company guarantees that every product produced for you is in compliance with the national and industry standard, and no quality problems.

    Mangga ngirim kami panalungtikan lamun u gaduh masalah nanaon.

    2. Dupi mesin dihasilkeun aman tur dipercaya?

    Absolutely yes. We are a company specializing in the production of machinery. We have advanced technology, excellent R & D team, superb process design and other advantages. Please believe that we can fully meet your expectations. The machines produced are in line with national and industry quality standards. Please feel free to use.

    3. Naon nu harga produk?

    harga ditangtukeun ku spésifikasi produk, materi, sareng sarat husus tina nasabah.

    Metoda petik: EXW, FOB, CIF, ect.

    Metoda pembayaran: T / T, L / C, ect.

    Our company is committed to selling high quality products that meet your requirements at an acceptable price.

    4. Kunaon kuring dagangan kalawan parusahaan anjeun?

    1. harga Munasabah na workmanship exquisite.

    2. Profesional kustomisasi, reputasi alus.

    3. jasa seneng sanggeus-jualan.

    4. Méré gambar produk, prosés manufaktur sarta jasa teknis lianna.

    5. Case experience of working with many outstanding domestic and foreign companies over the years.

    Paduli naha deal keur ngahontal atawa henteu, urang tulus ngabagéakeun surat anjeun. Diajar tina silih tur nyieun kamajuan babarengan. Meureun bisa jadi babaturan ti sisi sejen. :-)

    5. Are you engineers available for overseas installation and training matters?

    At the client’s request, Jinte can provide installation Technicians to supervise and assist in the assembly and commissioning of the equipment. And all the costs during the mission needs to be covered from you.


    Tel: +86 18037396988

    Surélék: jintejixie@yeah.net

  • Nulis pesen anjeun didieu na kirimkeun ka kami